Thursday, June 26, 2008


I wrote this poem in January 2002, in my second quarter of college. I was writing a lot at this time, and really exploring my ideas and creativity. There are many more from this time that aren't making the cut at the moment. Looking back, I wasn't writing about anything in particular, just playing with words, but I think without knowing it I was talking about depression. A number of family and friends have struggled with depression, and I've definitely gone through low spots in my life. I hope this helps represent the struggle.

Darkness came early tonight
I could feel it in the ice that hit my face
when your eyes met mine in the crowd

your touch eclipsed the sun
until the only light that remained
resided in the fire of your seemed dissatisfaction

I was frightened of the darkness
because all others were hidden away in the night
and the light from your hands blinded me

you faced me in my helplessness
they heard me scream
but you erected a shield of hate
to cut out that which would save us both

and so you let us be outcast to the stars
on the cold side of the universe
until on our own we could not find our way back

you tempted my desires with imagined paths
you maintained your grasp on my naked ankle
the reemerged sun exposed the bruise
from so strong a grasp

I pray you will grow tired, loosen
take those eyes of fire off my face
in these weary hours of almost day.

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